fort meade military criminal lawyers
The men and women who serve in the United States Military in any branch do so knowing their own lives are at risk, their loved ones are often people they get to see very little, and their entire lives are dedicated to their job until their enlistment is up or until they make the decision to retire. This is not an easy decision to make, and it’s not one many people hesitate to make. It’s the men and women who selflessly enlist to protect this country that keep us safe and keep our freedoms intact each and every day. It’s also their families making sacrifices most people cannot imagine. Their loved ones are shipped to foreign countries to fight terrorists, and no one ever knows if they will return home.
This is not an easy sacrifice for anyone to make, which is why we work so hard to defend the men and women in the military when they are accused of a crime. We take great pleasure in defending the people who defend us each day. When you are charged with a crime while in the military, call a military criminal defense attorney to help prove your case, have it dropped, or have your charges reduced. Military law is nothing like civilian law, which means a civilian attorney is incapable of handling your case with as much knowledge and finesse as our team of experienced attorneys.
Military Crimes
Military crimes differ from civilian crimes. The men and women who serve and protect are required to follow the law both on the civilian side and the military side. This means they can be accused of and charged with numerous crimes most people cannot be accused of committing. It’s our job to help you prove you are not guilty so you don’t face the consequences of a court-martial or a civilian trial or both. The severity of punishment for a military crime or civilian crime does depend on your past issues with the law and the crime itself. This is an area we are very familiar with, and it’s how we help you with your case.
Desertion – When someone joins the military, they are required by law to stand with that position for the length of their contract. This contract is for a specified amount of time agreed upon when someone enlists, such as four years or eight years. These are not the only timeframes available, but they are good examples. When someone decides they are done with the military, they must work through their contract and cannot leave until their enlistment is up no matter what is going on in their lives. If they leave beforehand, it’s called desertion or going AWOL. It’s a serious crime that’s handled in a court-martial, and it requires an attorney.
BAH and Travel Fraud – When someone in the military travels for work-related purposes or lives off base with a BAH, they have to submit paperwork with their request. This is very specific paperwork. It’s lengthy, it’s not always easy to understand, and it requires ample information is provided along with the form. Sometimes people are confused about what they are being asked, what the form wants, and what they are permitted to include. If they make even one small mistake on either form claiming too much, they can be tried for this and convicted.
Civilian Crimes – The men and women in the military must uphold civilian law, too. This means they can be tried for anything from sex crimes to larceny to anything in between.
When someone in the military is accused of a crime, there are more than a few consequences for their actions. They might be fined, sent to jail, confined, or even discharged. These all have a lasting negative effect on the enlisted member’s future. Call a military criminal defense attorney today to help. You need someone who understands the law both inside and out of the military, and someone who can help you prove your case and get your charges dropped or reduced. Let us help you as a way of thanking you for all the time you’ve spent helping us and our country.
Contact us today or call us at (888) 646-0025 to get our experienced military attorneys on your side.
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